Frequently Asked Questions

What does LendAmi do?

LendAmi is a person-to-person online platform that allows people to transact loans between their family and friends safely and securely.

Is LendAmi a lender?

No. LendAmi is not a lender and does not loan money to users of the LendAmi platform. Loans are funded by the users themselves in the form of person-to-person loans with friends and family members. LendAmi is simply a platform that allows people to transact in a safe, secure, and responsible manner.

Are credit checks required to borrow using the LendAmi platform?

No.  LendAmi does not provide any credit check services nor gets involved in any of the terms between people. It is 100% up to the borrower and lender to mutually agree on terms.

Does LendAmi provide lenders for borrowers that need a loan?

No. LendAmi does not directly match borrowers to lenders. Borrowers can invite a family or friend to the LendAmi platform and send a loan request with terms that fit their paying capacity. Meanwhile, lenders can offer loans to family members and friends with loan terms they are comfortable with through the LendAmi platform. 


Borrowers and lenders need to work out their terms beforehand. After, the borrower or lender can create a loan agreement on the LendAmi platform and send it to the other party. It is up to both if they are willing to engage in the loan and use LendAmi to safely document and track their transactions.

How soon will I receive my funds once a loan is approved?

Lenders have several ways of funding your loan:
1) Via bank transfer
2) Via e-wallet
3) Providing it directly to you in cash or check

For loans funded by bank transfer, once the loan is approved by both the borrower and lender, the bank transaction occurs. It usually takes 2 – 3 days for the loan funds to arrive in the borrower’s bank account.

For loans funded by cash, check, or something else of value, it is up to the lender to indicate when you will receive the funds. The loan terms will officially start and interest will begin to accrue depending on the date indicted in the platform by both parties.

Does LendAmi charge interest?

LendAmi does not charge any interest on the loan. The LendAmi platform does allow lenders to charge interest. When submitting a loan request or offer, LendAmi provides guidelines to help you choose an interest rate that you’re comfortable with.

If I don't have a bank account or e-wallet, how else can I pay the lender back using LendAmi? Do you have other payment outlets?

We are currently finalizing the other payment outlets. Stay tuned for updates. 

What loan amounts does LendAmi accept?

The minimum loan amount required is Php1,000 and the maximum loan amount allowed is Php250,000.

Does LendAmi charge any additional fees?

Much like an ATM, LendAmi charges a low 2.5% fee for each bank transaction between lender and borrower.  There are no additional platform or usage fees.

What happens if a borrower does not pay back a lender?

The LendAmi platform uses automatic bank transfers from the borrower to the lender so that loan repayments can stay on track.  LendAmi also sends reminders to the borrower when a payment is due so that they can make sure they have the funds available.


However, since LendAmi is not the lender, we do not have the legal authority to enforce loan repayment if any issues arise.  For record keeping, we recommend that borrowers and lenders print out and sign a copy of the loan agreement that LendAmi provides. This can be used if payment problems occur.

What happens if I want to cancel?

Users can cancel their account with LendAmi at any time. To cancel, please just reach out to our support team at [email protected].

How many banks can I have connected to my LendAmi account?

You can have one bank attached to your LendAmi account. All loans that you are transacting through LendAmi will use that bank account.  You can remove and replace your bank account if you wish.

How do I connect or disconnect my bank from my LendAmi account?

To remove your bank account from your LendAmi profile, just log into your LendAmi account and go to the Profiles page.  From there, click on Bank where you can add or remove your bank. Once your bank account is removed, no further transfers will take place via the LendAmi platform.

Do you store my personal data?

LendAmi uses data encryption throughout the application so that we never store your personal information or bank account details.


You can read our full policies in our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


How To Set Up An Account and Create A Loan


New to LendAmi? Read this to get started. Learn how to create an account and set up your very first loan request or offer.

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How to Set Payment Terms and Create A Loan Agreement


You can customize all your payment terms and formalize your agreement using the Loan Agreement Template. Watch this to find out how and learn more.

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How To Connect Your Bank or E-Wallet and Transfer Funds


To start transferring funds or receiving funds, connect your bank or e-wallet. Watch this step-by-step guide so you can start transacting today.

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How To Monitor and Track Your Loan


With LendAmi, you can easily track and monitor your loan through the web app’s loan amortization table. This video will guide you on how to easily check your loan status and the payment progress.

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How To Set Up Automatic Payments


Never miss a payment with LendAmi’s automatic payments feature. This video will teach you how to set up automatic payment reminders and transfers.

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How To Rate Users and Promote Responsible Lending


LendAmi promotes responsible borrowing and lending. Rate users in the web app to help other borrowers and lenders who are looking for people they can transact with.

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How To Change or Update Payments For An Existing Loan


Did you know you can still change or update payment for an existing loan? Add this month’s payment to next month’s or waive a payment – LendAmi will automatically update the changes in the loan amortization table. Watch this to see how.

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How To Search For Loans in The Loan Marketplace 


LendAmi connects potential borrowers and lenders through the Loan Marketplace. Find the right loan for you here. Watch this to learn more.

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